
Find a Provider at One of Our Health Centers

Select a health center below to find the names, credentials, and locations of our primary care clinicians and other providers. Our health centers and affiliated providers accept new patients except Springfield Health Service for the Homeless. Our centers and affiliated providers provide interpreter services either onsite thru skilled medical interpreters or via a certified language line and meet the requirements of the American Disability Act and provide accommodations to individuals with disabilities. Providers and other staff receive cultural competency training.


All Health Centers listed below participate in MassHealth ACO.
Health Centers identified with an asterisk (*) also participate in Medicare ACO REACH Program.


All providers listed below participate in Medicare ACO REACH program only.

Access Health Louisiana


Find a Provider Anywhere in Our MassHealth Network

Hospitals and Specialists

As a member of C3, you have access to the broadest network of hospitals and specialists available to MassHealth members. To search for providers that are part of C3’s network, click here.

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits

Mental health and substance use disorder benefits are managed by the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership (MBHP). To find a provider, click here, and navigate to “Find a Behavioral Health Provider” on the left side of the page.

Dental Benefits
Dental providers are listed in the Dental Provider Directory. To find a dental provider, C3 members should click here and select the “MassHealth” network.